Sunday, August 30, 2009

I am a very superstitious man...

But if a ridiculuous failing were to befall me or an unforeseen success were to come my way, I bear it to the grace of a 'deified' object I turn to in times of tragedy or triumph..

I find it more convenient to ascribe the fruits of my success or the lack of it to the object of my faith,the supernatural, something which neither I can see nor understand let alone proving its existence, than to my prowess or not having done enough to deserve what I wanted to achieve.

I practise penance,fast and abstainity for a certain period in a year to wash off my sins and be in the 'good grace'. Doesn't matter if the rest of the year I spend in practising all the tricks in my trade to con,cheat and dupe my fellowmen to get what I want...
This period is the only time I know the ones who matter are listening.

The 'rationalist' are the best when they come to 'justify' their fasting and abstainity during this time...
They say "the stomach needs some rest once in a while baba....Its good and healthy too..Lots of eating eating has made my system malfunction...." So true..But isnt the heart too been pumping in blood all day year in and year out...Doesnt it to deserve a rest once in a while for a month????
Not too long ago a cat crossing your path was considered an ill omen.It was a portend for an unpleasant happening.I know in today's time its no longer cool nor logical to be led by such beliefs in something as innocuous as the cat.But its just the 'cat' that has been replaced..My belief in the capacity of the power beyond that of my own still exists..

But I wait for the day when I dont see an 'object' beyond its utility nor consider anything apart from my body to be a 'sacred sactorium' which I can use as a means to achieve what my mind has set sights on nor believe in anything apart from my ability to think and act to attain what I desire...


  1. And of superstitions, those believed to portend future happenings are considered important and rest everything is omen!!! ha

  2. how many times has your 'sweat n tears' been undermined by explicit verbal comments like u r lucky...

  3. :-O
    2 gud ray sir...
    'sweat, blood and tears' indeed are worthless if u are not 'lucky'..
